We will produce a document for you to send to your LA to request an EHC Needs Assessment for your child or young person, this document will include:
- An outline of the relevant law.
- A detailed list of your child’s Special Educational Needs and Special Educational Provision outlined in the professional evidence and how this evidence meets the two legal tests.
- Summary of reasons why an EHC Needs Assessment is needed to support your child or young person in education or training.
- Template email to forward your application to the LA.
- Email to remind you of the date the LA should respond with their decision whether to assess or not.
We cannot complete this service for anyone who hasn’t had a new client consultation or previous meetings, if you have not had one of these please book in with one of our consultants first.
For this service you will need to supply us with your child or young person’s evidence/report documents to show how they may have a special educational need and may require special educational provision. These must be in electronic versions so we can process them accurately and efficiently. If you do not have electronic copies, you can request them from the person who provided the report, if you are having trouble with this please contact us and we can assess whether we may need to quote additional costs for the extra processing time these documents will take.
Included in this is cost is the processing of 3 professional reports. If you require extra evidence to be included this is at a cost of £20 for processing up to 10 additional pages.
EHC Needs Assessment Request
The estimated turnaround time for completion of work is 10 working days, which starts from us receiving your payment and any documents needed to complete the work.